About SD63 DFL

Senate District 63 DFL is an official political unit of the Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor Party. We are a grassroots, all-volunteer organization that works hard to elect Democrats to leadership positions in Minnesota state government and in Washington, D.C. We are progressive Democrats – we believe in the concept of “the common good”, that we all do better when we all do better. We want legislation that is fair to all. And we also want government that is efficient, honest and transparent.
We represent Democrats in a geographical area that includes the eastern part of South Minneapolis along the Mississippi, and a strip along the southern edge of the city. Here is a map of Senate District 63, House District 63A, and House District 63B.
What do we do?
We seek out and support people who want to run for office as a member of the Minnesota DFL. We hold nominating conventions where candidates are officially endorsed as DFL candidates. Once we have endorsed a candidate, we actively campaign on the behalf of that candidate. This means we do things like put up political lawn signs, distribute campaign literature, and talk to our neighbors about why we think our candidates are the best. We hold fundraisers to raise money to re-elect our local candidates and we write letters to the editor on their behalf.
Who Runs SD63-DFL?
SD63 DFL is run by the SD63 Central Committee, which consists of people just like you who decided to become involved in politics. The Executive Committee of the Central Committee includes the Chairperson, Vice Chair, Outreach Officer, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Central Committe also includes Directors, Precinct Chairs and Associate Precinct Chairs. SD63 Central Committee members are elected every two years at our precinct caucuses and SD63 Convention.
How Can You Become Involved in DFL politics?
The easiest way to get involved is to contact us here or at an event. You can also visit the web sites of our DFL candidates. All of their web sites have volunteer forms that you can fill out on-line and you will be contacted by their campaign staffs.